Ever find yourself spying on your neighbors and thinking, "Their life is way better than mine"? Well, The Neighbor's Window takes that nosy curiosity to Oscar-winning heights. This 20-minute short film tells the story of Alli, a mother of three who's...
Ever find yourself spying on your neighbors and thinking, "Their life is way better than mine"? Well, The Neighbor's Window takes that nosy curiosity to Oscar-winning heights. This 20-minute short film tells the story of Alli, a mother of three who's so deep in diapers and daycare that her idea of excitement is watching the young, wild couple across the street. As she peeks into their seemingly carefree lives, Alli starts questioning her own choices, only to discover that the grass isn't always greener on the other side.
At the TruVue Podcast, we bring the barbershop talk to the box office. It’s not about the review—it’s the conversation with the crew. We keep it real on the reels, diving deep into this tale of suburban voyeurism with our signature blend of humor and insight. Our podcast is unapologetically NSFW, so prepare for raw humor and unfiltered commentary. Spoiler alert: Watch the film first because we don’t hold back!
You can watch The Neighbor's Window for free on YouTube.
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